Sunday, September 4, 2011

Better Eat Your Vegetables!

I do love a good veggie plate! Maybe it's because I was a vegetarian for awhile or maybe it's because I have been fortunate enough to live in the South where tasty vegetables are so plentiful. I could blame my Mom who always made sure there were plenty of delicious vegetables on my plate growing up. Whatever the reason, there are times when all I want to eat is a big ol' plate of vegetables!

Located on the grounds of the Piedmont Triad Farmer's Market, the Moose Cafe has an excellent list of veggie options! With convenient access to local farmers' offerings, they do change the menu based on what's seasonally available. They have been written up in Southern Living for their "Cathead" biscuits, so you may want to give those a try while you're at it!

Another place that I have had the opportunity to enjoy the veggies recently is the Bayside Seafood and Family Restaurant, located at 3512 E Wendover Avenue, Suite C, Greensboro, NC 27405. This is a great place to get that veggie fix. The list of veggie options rotates throughout the week. If you have a favorite, like my fondness for their lima beans, you may want to keep a copy of the menu on hand before heading out! The list is extensive with about ten different sides to choose from each day of the week, so the hardest part might be making up your mind!

Now, I know that I am not a veggie purist as one might have detected by the presence of macaroni and cheese in both pictures, but I will add that anyone who loves a good mac and cheese will not be disappointed at either place!

1 comment:

  1. Wow! Both plates look really good, although I'm not a fan of beets. I love limas, too, and have fond memories of shelling them with my grandma on her front porch.

    Haven't been to The Moose Café but have been thinking of checking it out when visiting the farmer's market. Your pic convinced me!
